Top Tips for writing to your MP

Writing a letter to your MP is a great way to engage them in issues you care about.

You can also invite them along to a Big Paddle Cleanup event you are planning.

They may receive hundreds of letters and emails every week, some local and some national.

Your letter needs to stand out to get them interested in your cause.

Here are a few top tips to get your letter noticed.

Be concise

Try and keep your letter to one and a half sides of A4.

Get to the point

Focus on one issue and how it affects you or your club/group.

Explain how the issue is affecting your activity and enjoyment.

The more personal and relevant to the constituency the better.

Include your address

It is important that you include your address and that it’s within your MP’s constituency.

An MP will usually stick to the rule of only writing back to people within their constituency.

Make sure you check exactly who your MP is.

Also, check their correct title. Is it Mr, Mrs, Dr, Sir, Rt. Hon?

Give them something to do

It is important that you ask your MP to do something for you!

You could ask them to join you on your Big Paddle Cleanup.

Or, visit your club, group or project, or to write to the relevant Minister on your behalf.

An MP can also ask written questions to the Minister as well.

Most will help you draft a question.

Whatever you do, ask them for a response to your letter.

Post or email?

Both. Every MP is different. Some are happy to correspond with constituents via email. Others give a preference to written letters.

The best postal address for your MP is their Westminster address. (House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA).

If your MP is not in Westminster, someone will forward it on to them.

Be persistent

If you don’t get a response, follow it up.

It is quick and easy to call the constituency office and they will be able to follow up on your letter.

Why doesn’t Paddle UK provide templates for letters?

A MP prefers to receive an original letter sent from a constituent.

It is far more powerful than a pile of identical template letters.

Mass email actions and template letters tend to have less impact. This is because they know they only take a few seconds to complete.

They are not always representative of the priorities of their constituents.

Crafting a personal and well-informed letter demonstrates you care about an issue.

Paddle UK can provide guidance about what to write, but it is up to you to make it relevant to your locality.

Make the most of a meeting with your MP >>

See our example letter for inviting an MP to your Big Paddle Cleanup event >>

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