Donate to Clear Access Clear Waters

Canoe Foundation Logo
You can donate to the Clear Access, Clear Waters campaign through the Canoe Foundation.

The charity is on a mission to improve places to paddle across the UK through infrastructure projects.

The Foundation supports projects including:

  • Launch and landing platforms, steps or ramps
  • Improvements to pathways and accessible routes to the waters edge
  • Signage and information that promotes positive behaviour (Countryside code, “Check, Clean, Dry”, take your litter home etc)
  • Designated or additional parking for water users
  • Works to address erosion and create more sustainable access points
  • Access improvement projects that actively engage water users in helping protect/enhance the waterway environment (e.g. by preventing bank erosion)
  • Projects that are multi user or can benefit more than one user group
  • Projects that benefit all paddlers rather than member facilities

None of this work would be possible without the donations of paddlers.

If you want to ensure we have sustainable, quality access to our waterways and coastlines for paddlers across the UK, please donate today.

Support Clear Access, Clear Waters through the Canoe Foundation charity and its mission to improve places to paddle.

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